45 Days Skill Development Training
An Engineering Approach for students that introduces flight performance analysis techniques that enables to determine performance and flight capabilities of aircraft.
We provide learning on analysing the motion, mission, and environment of aerospace vehicles. It includes aerospace math operations, coordinate system and spatial transformations
Software - MATLAB
Training Date Period - 02.04.2022 to 16.05.2022
Time Period -18:30 to 20:00 (6:30pm to 8:00pm)
Registration - CLOSED
For Mechanical & Aeronautical department students.
(1st to 4th year and Job seekers).
Assistance of getting internship, Job.
Placement Guidance and company profiles.
Course Plan - 45 days
30 days - Online Software Training
10 days - Industrial Problem Statement (Final Task).
5 days - Practice Modules of MATLAB for the Students enrolled
Download Modus Operandi Here
For Enrolled Students
Recorded videos of live sessions.
Placement Guidance and company profiles.
Course Completion Certificate.
Get connected with professionals (Industrial Exposure).
Assistance of getting internship, Job in private and public sectors.
Topics to be covered
MATLAB and GUI Introduction
Arrays and Array Manipulation
Plot basics and methods
Function file handling
Control statements in MATLAB
Aerodynamic forces evaluation
Thrust available and thrust required concept and programming
Topics to be covered
ROC of an aircraft
Take off performance of an aircraft
V-N diagram